Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ignorence Is Not Innocence But Sin

The heading comes from a book "NIGHT SINS" by Tami Hog.

I am not a fan of the book or of the Author. The book is a good attempt but not a masterpiece. But then, who am I to judge?

However,the heading reminds me of what (Mahatma) M.K.Gandhi said once. It was in Hindi. The translation of what he said is (approximately) as follows: "If you don't condemn and oppose injustice, then you have agreed to accept it" (and hence you are a co-accomplice to the injustice).

This means that you are now a partner in the injustice....wherever and however it is being perpetrated.

Let's now get to the business/ management world.

Truth not told may mean supporting a lie!!!

Shoot! that is a terrifying thought....

Guys and gals, Managers..., please understand the difference between truth told and truth untold. The difference will make or unmake a situation or even a company.

Remember, The Truth Will Set You Free......If telling the truth gets you sacked, the company and the boss don't deserve you.

Satyameva Jaite ! (The Truth Will Win In The End) ....


  1. For years as a journalist, I have tried to fight against what I perceive to be any form of injustice. But now, many years later I have come to realise that I have failed miserably in that department and that maybe the fight against injustice is much better left in more reliable hands and minds than mine. The Greek emperor Agesilaus II said some 3,000 years ago that "Courage is of no value unless accompanied by justice; yet if all men were just, there would be no need for courage." Sadly I no longer have the courage to fight and has to rely on more able-bodied men to fight the fight. But of course the Mahatma also said, "When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall."

  2. Dear Khun Somboon,

    As a journalist you are an observer. The job requires you to "journal" or record the truth, not to change it. Being professional, please stick to the job and the world will change things if humankind is up to the job. My sincere thanks for your comments. Vijay
