Saturday, May 30, 2015

Back again...from China.....

5 years of silence is a looooong time, even for some joker like me.....but a friend reminded me that I used to have a Blog, so here I am.

My wife and I have just returned from China and are amused to see Times of India highlighting that Indian rate of growth is higher than that of China. Congratulations to the folks running TOI......

What they do not report is that China is probably 30 years ahead of India in Development, their Army is probably 25 times more efficient, the GDP is 5 times higher than India's, that we are starting from Congress led Zero level and the Chinese have a Communist party 100 times more effecient than anything that we have........ their trains run at 300 kmph with just one accident in 7 years and their Citizens can visit 100 plus countries ( incl. USA) without visa.

Gloating on half a percentage is India and Indians' folly. Self analysis is required, neh.......ESSENTIAL ,