I quote from SHANTARAM, a book written by Gregory David Roberts, a convicted felon, drug addict, prison escapee who finally paid his dues to the society with a long incarceration. Take this friends:
"There is a truth deeper than experience. It's beyond what we see, or even what we feel. It's an order of truth that seperates the profound from the merely clever, and the reality from the perception.
We are helpless, usually, in the face of it; and the cost of knowing it, like the cost of knowing love, is sometimes greater than any heart would willingly pay.
It doesn't always help us to love the world, but it does help us from hating the world.
And the only way to to know that truth is to share it, from heart to heart."
Gosh, all this from a convicted felon !
We live in a world where we try so hard to hide the truth, let alone share it with others. Sharing the truth is sign of weakness. We feel vulnerable, sure to be taken advantage of, exposed, exploited, insulted, even violated.
Sharing anything? That's not on anymore ! Every man for himself is the norm of the day.
So, let me ask you, can you be happy without sharing ?
If you were to enjoy music alone, well someone is singing , so you are not alone. If you are eating food, someone must have grown the vegetables. If you are having a steak, the cow has died for you and an omlette involves the chicken. You live in a house, well, someone has built it and you wear clothes that someone has stiched. Pray to God and God gets involved !
Fact of the matter : Happiness cannot be achieved alone. Tell me if I'm wrong. Give me one example where happiness can be achieved without sharing with atleast one other and I shall buy you a good meal, PROMISE.
Yet, in our hearts, we all know that sharing never hurt anyone. A song, a dance, a moment of joy, a discreet but heartfelt handshake with my son, a kiss on my daughter's cheek, a hug to my wife, a pat on my sisters' back (even a big slap for that matter), an evening with my friends. God, I love it all !!!
" The Truth Will Set You Free" . Share Share and Share.
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