Sunday, June 21, 2009

Comedy of anger in business

A comedy of error in business...

I try not to take anything in life for granted. Stupid as it may be, I question everything, maybe just to know whether I and my grey cells are still alive and functioning.

So, I put a question before you and please let me have your comments. Here it goes:

An ace I read from Malcolm Gladwell’s book “blink”:

“Comedy comes out of anger, and interesting comes out of angry, otherwise there is no conflict”.

Shoot, I never understood that comedy comes out of anger. I thought that comedy was fun. It should come out of happiness. But does it ? Now I am confused and analysing. It's not funny anymore.

Can we not have fun without anger ? Professional artists/performers/stand up comedians etc. may transform their contempt of what is around them (the world in general) to comedy. Indeed, they almost always do. Most jokes are cracked at the expense of someone else.

I disagree. Comedy may also come out of joy of living. It may come out of just en(joy)ing yourself.

The best jokes are those which are cracked upon our self, because there is no other victim.

In our work too, if we realize that we have made a mistake and can own up to it, and laugh about it, chances are that WE SHALL OVERCOME. The alternative will be anger, conflict and disaster all around!

I was once working for a company which excelled in insulting it’s managers at the tiniest of mistakes. Actually, there was only one CHIEF who was doing it and the others were following the culture out of fear, or for pleasing him to get advantage.

I learnt from that experience.

I will never run an enterprise which thrives on insult or fear.

We have better things to do in life than to make a comedy out of other’s mistakes and misfortunes. Most comedy can be interpreted as insulting. You laugh at the language / color / appearance of others ? Look at yourself please...

You or I may be on the receiving end tomorrow.

Please en(joy) your comedy….

1 comment:

  1. Comedy arises when the angry moments have cooled down. And you reflect on those moments and reasons of conflict.
    There rises a thin comic line called “A Smile”, which when shared can become infectious.
